Your home in our facilities

For more than 60 years, we have made sure that students can find a home, friends and a community here.

Are there any questions?

Does everyone have their own room and is it lockable?

Yes, we only allocate single rooms in shared flats or single flats. Each room or flat is lockable.

Can or do I have to bring my own furniture?

You can bring your own furniture.

How big are the rooms on average?

We have different room sizes from approx. 10 sqm to 25 sqm.

Is it possible to conclude a separate contract with an external Internet provider?


Who can apply?

Anyone who is studying at an Aachen college/university and is interested in a place in a hall of residence at their college/university location.

How can I apply?

Applications can only be submitted via online application (homepage). Multiple applications do not increase the chance of receiving an offer.

Are students from other non-Aachen universities allowed to apply?

Rooms are rented exclusively to students of the Aachen universities.

Can I apply for a room in a student hall of residence as a non-student?

Renting to non-students is not possible.

Can two people apply for a shared apartment?

Yes, you have the option to indicate your wish to live with a specific person in your online application. We will try to take this wish into account.

How long does it take to get a quote?

Submit your application early. Waiting times vary and depend on availability.

When do I have to move out?

The tenant must move out no later than the end of the tenancy agreement stated in the tenancy agreement or on the notice of termination. The return of the rented property can only take place from Monday to Friday by 10.00 a.m. at the latest. If the end of the tenancy agreement falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, the room must be vacated on the previous working day (Monday to Friday). There are no returns on 24.12. and 31.12. of a calendar year.

TIP: Contact your caretaker in good time to arrange a date for moving out and handing over the room.

Can I bring pets?

Keeping animals is prohibited in our student residences.

What do I have to consider as a tenant with regard to the broadcasting fee?

Detailed information can be found on the Contribution Service website.

How much is the rent if I don't move in until the middle of the month?

The rooms are always let on the 1st of the month. Thus, the rent has to be paid for the full month, no matter when the move-in takes place.

Is insurance for household contents or liability included in the rent?

No, insurance such as household insurance or liability insurance is not included in the rental price and must be taken out individually. However, we recommend that you take out insurance immediately after moving in. This can save you high costs in the event of damage.

What is the deposit for?

The deposit must be paid before the rental agreement is concluded. The deposit is a security deposit. After the end of the tenancy and the return of the room without any defects, the deposit will be paid out promptly.

Is my neighbour a smoker?

Smoking is not permitted in the residence halls or in the respective room.

What are the chances of still getting a room if I apply very late?

Each application is processed and forwarded to the respective hall of residence. It is always worth keeping your application up to date.

Do I have to pay radio and television licence fees?

In principle, every tenant or flat must pay any radio and television fees on their own. Information on fees and possibilities of exemption from radio and television fees (e.g. if you are a BAföG recipient) can be found on the landing page of the broadcasting fee for students here.

When do I get my deposit back?

The deposit will be returned to an account named by you approx. 2-3 months after the end of the tenancy and settlement of the rental account, provided that all obligations under the tenancy agreement have been fulfilled.

What public transport services are available for students (e.g. semester ticket)?

Information on this can be found on the website of the public transport provider at your university location. Most university locations offer a semester ticket for students.

Can I connect my own washing machines?

No, unfortunately that is not possible. However, there are washing machines and a dryer in the basement of each hall of residence, which can be used for a fee.

What equipment is already available in the room/apartment?

In a furnished room you will find a bed, a wardrobe, a shelf, a desk and a chair.

Not provided are bedding, bed linen, crockery, cooking pots, cutlery and towels.

Is there WiFi in the halls of residence?

There is a network club in each of the halls of residence. This means that every tenant has wifi.

When are offers of rooms or flats sent out?

After receiving your application, we will forward the documents to the respective hall of residence. You will then receive a message.

When can I apply?

After receiving your admission or with an existing certificate of enrolment, you can apply online on our website.

Can another person also take care of my application?

It is permitted that another person whom you have authorised in writing takes care of your application. However, you as tenant:in must then sign the tenancy agreement personally.

Can I also rent a whole flat in the hall of residence?

Flats are only intended for families or flat-sharing communities.

Can I apply if I am doing an internship in Aachen?

Yes, if you are an enrolled student.

What documents are necessary for the application?

To process your online application, we need your letter of admission or matriculation certificate and your identity card.

When can I move in?

The tenant shall move in after conclusion of the tenancy agreement and at the earliest on the day of the beginning of the tenancy agreement during the caretaker's office hours. If the start of the tenancy falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, handover shall take place from the following working day (Monday - Friday, not on 24.12. and 31.12.) during the caretaker's office hours.

Is a contract extension possible?

The lease terms are written down in the lease agreement.

Can I move into my room earlier?

Usually not, as the rooms are booked until the last day of the previous month.

How do I get my lease?

You will receive the rental contract by e-mail or in the original for the corresponding room.

How high are the rents?

The rental prices depend on the size of the room.

Are there any other costs in addition to the rent?

The total rent is made up of the basic rent and the associated operating costs. In the halls of residence/residential buildings, the service charges are passed on to you via a service charge statement.

Is a viewing possible before moving in?

After consultation with the current tenant, a prior viewing of the room is possible.

What is the probability that I will get a single flat?

This depends on the occupancy rate of the respective residence halls. As a rule, we have waiting lists.

What are the chances of getting a place in a hall of residence?

An early application with all documents is recommended. We have waiting lists for all halls of residence.

What do I do if I have problems with the Internet?

If you have problems with the internet, please contact the respective dormitory spokesperson or the dormitory's network group.

What happens to my mail after I move out?

The Studierendenwerk does not forward mail. Please submit a forwarding request to the post office in good time.

Can I park my car at the residence?

Parking is only available in the public area.

Service required?

No problem! Simply fill in the form and we'll take care of it.

Service request

Submit a service request